Chicon 7 logoChicon 7 skyline graphic
Membership rate through the convention.
Young Adult (17-21)US$$100
The 70th World Science Fiction Convention
August 30-September 3, 2012   Hyatt Regency   Chicago

Independent Film Festival

The Chicon 7 Independent Film Festival will showcase the best film shorts, features and trailers from around the world, specializing in the science fiction, fantasy, horror and comic genres. The festival's motto is "A showcase for film makers to share their works and for people to experience".

The Winners!

We are pleased to announce the Film Festival winners. Our congratulations to each of them, and indeed to all entrants to this year's Festival.

Festival Entries and Schedule

The Film Festival schedule is available in PDF format, including details and timings of all screenings that took place at Chicon 7.

We have also listed all the entries here. The list includes information on each film as well as links to websites and online trailers where available. Why not take a look around or even watch some of the films online when you have a few minutes to spare?

Click below to watch our promotional video!

Entry Rules

We are now closed to new entries, however, we have left the entry information online here for information only.

Promotional Logo and Posters

Film makers with accepted entries can download the logo below and place it on their websites and other publicity materials to promote both the Chicon 7 Film Festival and their filmes, once they have been selected for presentation at the convention.

Film Festival - Selected Entry Logo

(The logo above is also available as a larger, higher resolution TIFF format file for use in print publications).

Posters can be downloaded for printing or web sites.

  (1700 x 2273 px)
  Letter format GIF  325 k

  Letter format JPG 2610 k


  (2200 x 3399 px)
  Tabloid format GIF  439 k

  Tabloid format JPG 3630 k



There will be a monetary award for 1st place as well as specially designed Chicon 7 Film Festival trophies or certificates.


For more information or any questions about the film festival please email Nat Saenz, Chicon 7 Film Festival Director at