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Membership rate through the convention.
Young Adult (17-21)US$$100
The 70th World Science Fiction Convention
August 30-September 3, 2012   Hyatt Regency   Chicago
Page Contents 1. Article I: Declarations
2. Article II: Members
3. Article III: Meetings & Publications
4. Article IV: Directors & Officers
5. Article V: Amendment


Chicago Worldcon Bid By-Laws

(as amended 13 February 2010)

Article I: Declarations
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Section 1. Name

The corporation shall be known as Chicago Worldcon Bid.

Section 2. Registration

Chicago Worldcon Bid is registered in the State of Illinois (Corp MST 63189464).

Section 3. Purpose

The Chicago Worldcon Bid corporation is organized for literary and educational purposes, including the holding of meetings, lectures, film showings, art shows, exhibits, and conventions concerning science fiction and fantasy, and to carry on any business in the furtherance of the forgoing and not inconsistent with the constraints applied by Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 as amended.

Article II: Members
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Section 1. Membership Dues

Members shall be considered to be in good standing if they have paid the full membership fee of $300, or who paid the discounted membership fee of $250 by June 13, 2009.

Section 2. Rights and Responsibilities

Members may attend annual and special general meetings and may vote in elections or on motions before the meeting.

Section 3. Transfer of Membership

Members may transfer their membership to another person by notice in writing to the Secretary.

Section 4. Convention or Event Members

Conventions or other events organized by the Corporation may have their own memberships. These are not to be considered or confused with membership in the Corporation.

Section 5. Member Nominations

After the charter meeting of the corporation where the by-laws are approved, new members will require nomination from two existing members, and then must accepted by a majority of members present at the next annual or special meeting. Acceptance of new members will be done at the meetings before elections or by-law changes.

Section 6. Resignation

Members may resign from the corporation by notification in writing to the Secretary of the corporation.

Section 7. Expulsion of Members

If a member, by their actions, is substantially interfering with the efforts of the Corporation, the membership may expel that member. Where practical, expulsion will be conducted according to Robert's Rules of Order, including the following steps:

Article III: Meetings & Publications
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Section 1. Annual Meetings

Annual meetings will be called by the Secretary of the Corporation. Annual meetings will be held to elect officers and to receive their reports.

Section 2. Meeting Notice

2.1 The Secretary will notify the members of the Corporation with a minimum of thirty calendar days about the time and location of the annual meeting.

2.2 Motions, by-law amendments, removal elections, and other new business must be submitted to the Secretary not less than ten calendar days before the meeting. Motions submitted after this deadline will not be considered by the meeting unless the members present vote to agree to consider the motion.

Section 3. Special Meetings

3.1 The Board of Directors may direct the Secretary to call a special meeting to replace officers or directors as needed.

3.2 The Secretary will also be directed to call a Special Meeting at the written request of an absolute majority of the members of the Corporation. If an absolute majority of the members also specifies a time and location, this will be the time and location of the meeting.

3.3 At the written request of two-thirds of the members, the 30-day notice period will be waived.

Section 4. Open Meetings

4.1 All meetings of the Corporation and the Board of Directors will be open to the public, except in exceptional circumstances, to be determined by the Board of Directors.

4.2 If the Board of Directors determines that a meeting, or a portion of a meeting, is to be held without being open to the public, then the reason for making the meeting private will be made public.

Section 5. Proxies

Proxies may be submitted in writing at the beginning of a meeting. Proxies entitle the holder to vote on behalf of a non-present member. Proxies may specify how the holder will vote in certain elections or on certain motions, or else may allow the holder to vote however they deem appropriate.

Section 6. Remote Participation

The Corporation will make reasonable efforts to accommodate the participation of members not physically present, through teleconference or other means determined to be feasible by the Board of Directors.

Section 7. Publications

The minutes of the annual and special meetings, the financial statements, and the budget of conventions, projects, and events will be made available to the public on the Corporations web site.

Article IV: Directors & Officers
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Section 1. Directors

The Corporation shall have seven Directors to supervise the business of the Corporation.

Section 2. President

Section 3. Treasurer

Section 4. Secretary

Section 5. Convention, Event, and Project Managers

Section 6. Deputies

Each officer of the corporation may name deputies to perform their responsibilities in their absence. The officer remains responsible for the actions of the deputy in the conduct of the business of the corporation.

Section 7. Acting Officers

The Board of Directors may select acting officers to replace those who have resigned, died, or been removed from their positions. Acting officers will be replaced by election at the next annual or special meeting of the Corporation.

Section 8. Election

Section 9. Removal from Office

The members of the corporation may remove any officer of the Corporation at an annual or special meeting. A two-thirds vote of the members present is required to remove an officer or director from their position.

Section 10. Meetings of Directors

The Directors of the Corporation will meet at least twice a year, at a time determined by the board, or by the President if the Board has not chosen a usable date. The Board of Directors will present an annual report to the membership of the Corporation.

Article V: Amendment
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Section 1. Process

These by-laws may be amended by the membership at any annual or special meeting of the Corporation.

Section 2. Supermajority Required

By-law amendments require a minimum vote of two-thirds of the members present to be accepted.